Moneysign.astro & Vixqyu - Barney

Moneysign.Astro & Vixqyu are both music artists based in NC. Last year we all met and hopped on a Facetime call. From there I told them we should shoot a video. They agreed and we talked things over. About a few weeks later we were on set for their song “Barney”. Although a lot of the video was written out in the treatment, it became a kind of run-and-gun shoot. This was my first official music video outside of a cover music video I shot which I'll talk about in my next blog. Barney Is a creative track which is something I've never heard before. Moneysign.Astro & Vixqyu connected with Al-Amin Studios director Hamza Al-Amin and together created something incredible, something we can look back on in the future.


Machine Gun Kelly - Pressure [Cover]


Hallucination: An Al-Amin studios short film