Hallucination: An Al-Amin studios short film

Welcome to the first-ever Al-Amin Studios blog post. Quick little backstory, I have been wanting to make this for a long time now and I've been slowly getting the final details together. To be honest I'm still not quite sure if I’ve even finalized everything but now truly seems like the right time. I never thought I would do a blog, I mean truly it was so far out of my mind that if I went back in time and told my younger self he would have laughed. I don’t know, maybe I'm being dramatic but you get the point.

Okay, to start this off I want to talk about my first-ever short film “Hallucination”. I released this on January 1st, 2024. Now technically this isn’t the first film I ever wrote but it is the first film I ever wrote, shot, and released. Two others were released but they weren't short films, they were more like short scenes. And I wrote another short film before “Hallucination”. I had everything together but never fully was able to get it shot so I just pocketed it for another time.

“Hallucination” was my first taste of completely writing, shooting, directing, producing.  Location scouting, casting, storyboarding, literally everything you can think of I did for this film. It was one of the most challenging things I've ever done but I'm so happy with how it came out. I took this time to challenge myself as well and do things I’ve never done before. I forced myself out of my comfort zone to get things to work out and it all came together in the end. 

This film is about a guy who treated his girlfriend wrong, and in the end, he realizes you have to watch how to treat people because things aren't always what they seem. This film was inspired by an episode of a show I watched and a real-life story of grief on how fast your life can change from having someone you love in it to being gone. I don't want to say too much in case you're reading and haven't watched the film yet. With that being said you should head over there and watch it now.

My main point in saying all of this is to express just how much this film “Hallucination” means to me. With this being the first film I solely directed, written, and filmed by myself. This opened my mind to a new meaning of the term “storytelling”, and how much more there is to it, than putting something together just to tell a story. From being able to film and write out shots that were in my head, to being able to redirect when I felt it was leading astray. For 5-6 months of my life, this film was my priority. To officially say it's done is a huge relief and a huge accomplishment. I'm excited for the future and I have so many more ideas of what I want to do. I can say that this film is one of my biggest accomplishments ever. And I am more than grateful to be able to share it with you all. Feel free to follow along on this journey. Welcome to The Al-Amin Studios Blog.    


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